At the end of last summer we renovated a room for Dag!

Ever since we moved out of the flat in the city to stay in the countryside permanently we have been living in a constant renovation state, or rather, the notion of a we-should-be-renovating state. Half of our downstairs still consists of a labyrinth of boxes, and while I knew this would be a slow process, it is driving me insane nontetheless. However, slowly but certainly we have managed to get some things done:  a year ago we turned what I had referred to as "the renovation hole" into a walk-in closet, and at the end of summer we finally got around fixing Dag a proper room!
(Earlier this year we renovated a room for Dag's older brother -the oldest boy has moved away from home to study already- and as late as then we finally also got proper electricity in this room; everything had been with extention chords there forever. We also got electricity to the walk-in closet and some chords and plugs in our bedroom corrected.  That one sure was a big moment of "finally"; phew!) 

Last July we emptied the old kids room; took out the plastic carpet from the 1980's, tore down the old wall paper and renewed the walls.

The old room was a pretty ok light blue but I wanted more warmth so the walls became a sunny light yellow. We lay in wooden floor boards.

Eddi and his father built a mini walk-in closet; I find it easier to decorate when you get more corners in big rooms. Plus big closets that go all the way to the ceiling are always a win storage-wize.
I painted the floor and for a moment of mind-slip almost managed to paint me in one of those handy corners. But just almost. 

Dag keeps all his dress-up items and ninja gear in his closet.

Ninjas are his thing, still. He likes to build them out of Hama-pearls and is pretty creative with them!

Most of his ninjas are in the form of Legos though. I got myself an old-school Dymo and have been labelling a lot of things around the house as I've been organising. Dag learned to read last year so he can help keep the order of his Spinjizus and those tiny tiny claw-hands. (Mind you, these here are the smallest special-pieces only. The amount of legos in the house, after three boys, is overwhelming.)

The castle poster is a vintage school poster that Dag got when he had his short fling with knights in between ninja-phases.

The table surface is the same the older boys had in Tapiola; the old kitchen top from that flat's original kitchen.
The bunny with a view on Jupiter lives next to the moon.
Facebook ads sure know how to sell me things.

There are still some small things to be done in here like a bookshelf and curtains (and, in this room as in all the others: taking out and painting those damn windows! That work will either suck to do, or cost sooo much to have done, I have no idea when it actually will ever happen)  - but otherwise we are on the winning side of this one already!

And every now and then there's a disco in here!

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