Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn how to have a good life. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng
Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn how to have a good life. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

How to Eat (only) Real Food

Growing up without too much care about what does it really mean to consume exclusively healthy food, although coping with tons of allergies most of my childhood, I was lured into the pleasures of good and real food only a couple of years ago, when faced with the huge challenge of cooking and taking...

Declutter Your House with an Expert

Dana K. White has a job which a couple of years ago would have been taken as a big joke: she is a professional decluttering expert. In other words, it helps you to get rid of all the unuseful pile of things you gathered because probably nothing else to do with your life right now.As someone who moved...

Yoga in the Office or How to Keep Yourself Fit in the Cubicle

Most of my working life I spent in an office, on a chair - not always chosen taking into account the highest health standards for my back, in the front of the computer. With over 10 years as a journalist and PR executive, I also had the advantage that once in a while I had to go out and move my feet...